Since 1963, Renate von Mangoldt, photographer at the Literary Colloquium Berlin, has photographed visiting authors. This one was taken after lunch in a small restaurant near Ohlsdorf, Austria, in August 1984 .
photo by Renate von Mangoldt ©
"This Was Thomas Bernhard"
a documentary film with much interview material, in German
(alas for his English readers), which is
available at YouTube or on this site.
Ilse Ritter of Ritter, Dene, Voss
Anja Zeidler interview with Ilse Ritter

From one catastrophe to the next
Asta Scheib interview with Thomas Bernhard

Thomas Bernhard for life
Werner Wögerbauer interview with Thomas Bernhard

Views of an incorrigible utopian
Niklas Frank interview with Thomas Bernhard

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All contents © the Thomas Bernhard site and original authors, contributors, publishers, and publications.